Jam Naturals' Blog
Teething Solutions for the Modern Mom
Teething is an inevitable stage in a baby’s development. And being a loving mother, you are tasked to make sure everything that goes into your baby’s mouth is baby safe and eco-friendly. The good news is that there’s a wide range of teething products including teething necklaces, perfect for the modern woman, elegant and at the same time chewable - pun intended!
One Of The Hardest Breakups I've Endured
"Last night I ended a relationship. It was a long time coming and became really toxic after a while. And even though it’s for the best, I can’t help but long to try again, one more time, to make it work."
Surviving Teething
Now… you’re here because I talked about teething and how torturous it has been. Seriously, I’ve been in survival mode for the past month and a half. Poor Juliet was welcomed into this word with an array of issues and hasn’t been able to catch a break. She’s probably like “see, mom! this is why I stayed in the womb for so long!” My apologies, kid. My most sincerest apologies.
Budgeting the Expense of Motherhood on an Introverts Salary
I'm selfish with my time; even more so after having a baby.
These days, Quiet, reflective moments are understandably few and far between. So when I do come across an additional 30 minutes of the day that I don't owe to anyone, or need to use productively; It's like finding a $50 bill in the back pocket of a pair of jeans; I don't want to tell anyone, or have to give it up.
Jam Naturals Guest Blogger: Keeping it Kendal- Product Review
I was given the pleasure of being able to review a beautiful set of Jam Naturals Teething Necklace and Bracelet! Jam Naturals are made of natural (made of chemical free wood and organic cotton) teething jewelry.
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